Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Things to Consider When Building Link Network

One of the foolproof ways of improving site structure and validity is by having a rigid and solid link network. Where you link your URL and who are the other links that you are attaching is significant for search engines to rank your site higher.

Navazon Digital is a leading PPC Agency in Los Angeles. We offer high quality tech and marketing assistance to all our clients around the world. Our experts are also extremely adept at every digital marketing practice and can draft and execute a high quality marketing strategy guaranteed to bring positive results.
Here are a few things that you should consider when building your network of links:
1.       Time frame
Experts all around the world believe that you should always add links to and from articles that are recent. And by recent we mean, just a few days or no more than a week old. Anything older than that, and your site will lose its authenticity to Google so you have to be very careful about the links that you are adding.
2.       Validity
Why would you add links to websites that are either dead ends or are ranked low in search engines. You have to be very careful to check and see what is being posted on your partner site and how relevant it is to your content. Adding a link that has no correlation with your site is a recipe for disaster. If you want customers to come back to your website, you have to keep them engaged and interested in you. And you can do that by increasing their understanding about the particular topic by linking other popular sites which are relevant.

Here is a summary of what you should keep in mind:
  1. Link the article within the first few days of it going online
  2. Add high quality links and not fluff material
  3. Be careful of the ranking of the links you are attaching that they do not contain plagiarised or incorrect material.
Just visit our website for more information about our link building as well as our PPC agency that operates in Los Angeles. We cater to a variety of clients and can increase your conversion rates efficiently and in no time.